Marshmallow Jump is a one-minute-long 3D animated group short film. It focuses on a curious Marshmallow, aptly named “Marsh,” who is determined to fulfill his goal, which is shown within the film.
Tools such as Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop were used in creating this film.
As this was a group short film. my focuses were designing and modeling the background, along with animating, rendering, and compositing.
For the background concept work, the group decided to have a Candyland feel to it. Thus, I incorporated a variety of candy types as well as colors typically associated with sweets. Additionally, the film needed a background that would complement the story; thus, a wasteland Candyland was the direction I pursued.
As for the modeling portion, I stuck as close as possible to the design reference which I created. While there were some difficulties with incorporating all the types of candy shown and depth, the finalized background looks similar to the reference.
I did the compositing for the sky scenes and worked on making
sure the Marshmallow does not get lost in the background while trying to keep a
whimsical Candyland feel with bright colors. Additionally, the three example
scenes below are the scenes that I was in charge of animating.