

“Dahlia, an inquisitive and eccentric girl, wakes up soaked to the bone in a bizarre world full of strange creatures. Follow as she befriends a peculiar boy named Neil, and together discover the mysteries of the Grey Wells scattered across The Water Wells”

The Waterwells is a graphic novel which focuses on the protagonist, Dahlia, as she uncovers the secrets of The Waterwells. Most of the creatures take inspiration from Japanese folklore, however, there are other Eastern Asian influences throughout the book. Furthermore, Alice in Wonderland also inspired different aspects of the narrative.



Dahlia, a short young girl who is around 15 years old. She is extremely energetic and overly affectionate to those around her. She longs to find any reason for all the challenges that life has thrown at her. She is a fan of anything fantasy, especially magic, which makes her arrival at the Waterwells all the more exciting.


Neil, a scrawny, mysterious boy who seems to be around 17 years old. He is an inquisitive teen who prefers to use his mind and strategy to overcome challenges. He wishes to protect those he cares about, and will go to the ends of the earth for them.

The main cast’s design takes inspiration from Japanese culture, especially folklore, with hints of Alice in Wonderland. The population of the Waterwells can be separated into two categories, the Yokai, who are the peaceful inhabitants of the Island, and the Oni, a group of hostile residents who are a destructive force


The world of the Waterwells focuses heavily on the different elements of fire, water, earth, and air, with a neutral zone where the institution resides. The different regions are inspired by 70s and 80s cartoons, with the colors beings uncanny and whimsical.